About the law
Daresay is an agency located in Sweden and we work with a number of clients within the public sector.
Like other countries in EU, all digital services provided by the public sector must comply with EU's Web Accessibility Directive.
Now in Sweden
Sweden amended the directive into national law by passing Act (2018:1937) on Accessibility for digital public service on the 1st of January, 2019.
Sweden's Accessibility Act: Act (2018:1937)
- Applies to the entire public sector, including government and municipalities.
- Covers digital services like websites, apps, and documents, including third-party content like social media.
- Requires compliance with the standards in the European Standard EN 301 549, WCAG 2.1 AA.
- Mandates providing users with means to report errors.
- Requires regular publication of an accessibility statement.
- Non-compliance can lead to fines until the issues are rectified.
Lag (2018:1937) om tillgänglighet till digital offentlig service
The new law in Sweden from 28 June 2025
Private Sector Responsibilities
In line with the European Accessibility Act 2025, the same accessibility standards required of public actors must also be met by private actors in various domains.
These include:
- Reading tablets
- Self-service machines
- General purpose computer hardware systems
- Banking services
- E-commerce services
- E-books
- Certain passenger transport services
- Services provided to consumers and relating to electronic communications services
- Services that provide access to audiovisual media services.
What happens if a company fails to meet the accessibility requirements?
Non-compliance consequences include fines until the issues are resolved. These are the known cases of accessibility issues in Sweden so far.
- SLrisks paying a 700 000 SEK fine for its website failing to meet accessibility standard. (Sveriges radio 21 June 2023)
- Pajalabostäderrisks paying a 1 100 000 SEK fine for lacking an accessibility statement and for failing to address several accessibility flaws. (Dagensssamhalle.se 14 March 2023)
- Ockelbo kommunrisks paying 700 000 SEK due to lacking accessibility. (Dagenssamhalle.se 14 March 2023)
Daresay Accessibility Audit
Ensure your website or service meets the new law. Our expert accessibility audit identifies what you need to improve to stay ahead and to make your services accessible to all. Click below to learn how we can support you.